The Sunny Surfin' World of Maxie

2nd Year Maxie dolls

Dance 'n Romance Maxie
Features Grow So Pretty Hair

Dance 'n Romance Maxie has dark golden blonde hair that you can grow and shorten, turquoise eyes and fuschia lips.


Romance and roses! Maxie has long, blond hair that grows! Girls gently pull Maxie's hair to make it grow, then shorten it with a special rose-shaped key. Magnificent gown is wrapped with ruffles and has a matching boa that's also a ponytail holder for girls to wear. Poseable, 11 1/2" doll also comes with shoes, earrings, hair pick and bracelet accessory to let girls wear the rose-shaped key as a bracelet.
Hasbro description


Dance 'n Romance Maxie is the only doll to have a hole in its back to allow her hair to "grow" and to shorten it thanks to a rose-shaped key.

Makeup: Maxie has turquoise eyes with a two-tone tuquoise/pale pink eyeshadow and fuschia lips.

skin tone: Some loose dolls were found with a lighter face which looks original, while others have a much more tanned look. Vinyl stability over the years?

Hot pink spandex gown with pale pink net/iridescent lace ruffle, turquoise ribbon rose, silver woven ribbon halter straps.

Dress can have a turquoise ribbon rose or a rosebud (See a photo side by side).

  Pale pink net/iridescent lace elasticized ruffle wrap. Girls can wear it as a ponytail holder.
  Iridescent lace pouf on elastic loop.
Photo needed Pink ribbon rose and white/silver lace wrist corsage on elastic loop.
Turquoise rose earrings.
Hot pink rose-shaped key for hair mechanism (See it in action).
Hot pink rose pumps.
Photo needed Rose-shaped hot pink comb.
(Doll has a pink rubber band) CHARM?
Thanks to Liz for information and pictures on this page!


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