The Sunny Surfin' World of Maxie

Maxie Mysteries

Maxie Mysteries

Maxie's world is bigger than I expected and I keep discovering new fashions or playsets on a regular basis. Sometimes I may cross a doll or fashion piece that I coudn't identify. This is a place for all the Maxie mysteries.

Flat shoes Solved

The shoes came to me in a lot of Maxie dolls and fashions. These flat shoes fit perfectly Maxie. Marked China. Many colors available including blue, pink, black...

Actually these are Barbie doll shoes! These shoes were designed for the gymnast Barbie dolls with flat feet that came out in 1995-1996. Some of today's horse riding Barbie doll still share this body.

Mystery Maxie doll

This lovely doll came from Canada with a blue dress and Maxie panties. First I thought she was a 101 hairstyles Maxie doll, but she really appears to be a mixture of several known dolls. I believe I have identified all the Maxie dolls, but she could be a new one, well it's still an option. She also could be a prototype of some kind or more likely a factory mistake.

The generic quality of both her earrings and dress makes me think these does not belong to her. the only Maxie hoop earring were made with the Jem mold of Raya/Jem Rock n curl.

On the other hand, the panties belongs to Maxie! It is either part of the lacey basics or belongs to 101 hairstyle Maxie. I'd say Lacey basics, because of the larger print.

Let take a closer look at her face, which is one of the best way to identify Maxie dolls. She shares the same face paint than Slumber party Maxie and 101 Hairstyles Maxie doll. The face mold of slumber party Maxie looks slightly different, or is it just my doll? Anyway, she looks the exact same than 101 Hairstyles Maxie.

Her hair is crimped while 101 Hairstyles Maxie is straight. Could this had been made by a collector or a child? After all, the 101 Hairstyle doll was meant to have her hair done in Many ways. I don't think so, or kudos to whoever made it, it looks extremely well made, even from all angles. To me it looks original, even the side part on top of the head.

Another element moves us away from the 101 Hairstyles doll, is the hair color. The mystery's doll hair is much more lighter than the 101 Hairstyle doll; it's striking in person. It's the same hair color than Sun Splash Maxie.

So can it be Sun splash Maxie? No it can't. While the doll have the same hair color and crimped hair, Sun Splash Maxie's hair is much more shorter and above all she doesn't have the same face paint, nor face mold.

The mystery doll have the normal Maxie body with non-movable waist.

Came with pink ribbon, darker than Slumber party Simone. One that came with 101 hairstyles could be a match.

Please contact me if you can help me identify her.

(Below, side by side, Mystery doll and 101 Hairstyles Maxie.)


Thanks to Sven Ken for helping with the flat shoes.


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