The Sunny Surfin' World of Maxie

Dance n Romance Fashions

So Chic in Pink

So Chic in Pink

Romance in fashion! Frills, flowers and lace for Maxie and her girlfriends to wear to fancy dances and special dates! Each elegant dress comes with shoes, hair ornament, earrings and more accessories. (Hasbro description)


So Chic in Pink


More Dance n Romance fashions: Freshly gathered floral, Shimmery "chiffon", Sweet pastel softness and Powder Blue Sweetheart.

So Chic in Pink

So Chic in Pink is worn
by Slumber Party Simone

Hot pink satin gown with knee-length circle skirt, white/silver lace overskirt, heart-shaped bodice, white/silver lace fall, silver ribbon belt, lavender ribbon rose.
White/silver lace sleeves w/silver elastic bands (only one of the pair is shown).
Pouf hairpiece of white/silver lace w/elastic loop.
Lavender rose earrings.
Light lavender rose pumps, slightly pearly.
Thanks to Liz for pictures and informations on this page!


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